Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Weekly Local Events

Official DBS Tournaments are sanctioned and reported on Bandai TCG+

Player must register themselves prior to the event. Entry Fee must be paid at the store and must get confirmed that you are in the tournament prior to the start of round one.
Any special instruction of each event (If applicable) will be posted on our Facebook Page.

Every Thursday and Saturday: $10 Entry with 2 set of TP (4 packs total).
Starts at 6:30 PM PM (Sign up at 6:00 PM)
Format: Best of One, Swiss Round until one undefeated. No Top Cut.

Prizes : Pack per win.  Winner also gets a Winner Tournament Pack

(x) = # of match win
*Prizes can be added/change to the pool based on the # of players in each tournament at the store's discretion based on available products.


Shenron Wishes: Special Event - for our local tournament players


Collecting 7 Dragon Ball Crystals from tournament players and get a Free Booster Box.

At the beginning of the season 1 (March 16th), we will randomly select players who will receive Dragon Ball Crystals (one each) before the tournament starts. After that, Dragon Ball Crystals will be transferred from Fighter to Fighter. Any Fighter whoever collects 7 Dragon Ball Crystals at some point of the season will win a current booster set. If there is no one can collect all 7 at the end of the season, any Fighter who has the most Dragon Ball Crystals will win a current booster box instead. If multiple fighters have the same amount of Dragon Ball Crystals, they can either split the box OR they will have to play a sudden death match outside of the Store Local tournament AT THE SHOP with no time limit.

When a fighter completes all 7 Dragon Balls, all Dragon Balls will be spread to Top Players, one each, at the next tournament.
Maximum of 3 Booster Boxes are limited for each season.

To prevent fighters "Not show up" saving Dragon Ball Crystal(s), the rules below apply to any fighter who has it.
1. If you do not show up 2 times in a row (sanctioned tourney with Bandai), you will lose all of them. (Confiscated on the 2nd time you didn't show up at the beginning of the tourney)
2. On the last week of the season (last two tourneys), if you do not show up, you will lose all of them. (Confiscated at the beginning of the tourney)
3. Confiscated Dragon Ball Crystals will be awarded to top players. (1 max per person)
4. If you show up but do not partiicpate in DBSFW Tournament, you will lose one Dragon Ball.



Fighter who participates in any paid DBSFW tournament at EPIK CARDS & GAMES will be awarded Dragon Point (DP).
*It is a fighter's responsibility to sign up on Bandai TCG+ by using the same account and same Nickname, based on your Bandai TCG+ Membership ID. The shop will not responsible to merge your Dragon Points if you have multiple accounts.

Fighter will automatically get 1 point for entry when participate in Store Local Tournament (Sanctioned with Bandai TCG+). Pirate that makes Top 4 will earn DP in addition after the event’s final standings. For example,



Top 8 Fighters of the season will play in a special tournament called "Supreme Kais Tournament" to find the "Grand Supreme Kai".

Top 8: 5 Sets of TP1 (10 packs total)
Top 4: EPIK Top 4 Cloth Playmat + 5 Set of TP1 (10 packs total)
Winner: EPIK Champion Cloth Playmat + Booster Box Set 2.

DBSFW03 Season Cloth Mat



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